G. Van Popta
The good news about the Fatherhood of God the Creator of heaven and earth
God the Father is our:
- Loving Father
- Almighty Creator
- Faithful provider
Scripture readings: Isaiah 40:12-31
C. Bouwman
Our God made the world in which we live
- The majesty of the Creator
- The comfort for the creature
- Our care for his creation
Scripture readings: Genesis 1:1-23, Matthew 6:19-34
T. Van Raalte
God our Father created all things and directs them for our benefit
- He directs all the invisible beings for our benefit
- He directs all things through Christ for our benefit
Scripture reading: Psalm 91
R.H. Bremmer
The church confesses in the first article her faith in God the Father
She speaks out of:
- Faith’s riches
- Faith’s trust
- Faith’s foundation
Scripture reading: Psalm 121
C. Stam
The confession concerning the unique bond between God the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and his chosen children
- He made us for himself
- He brought us to himself
- He keeps us with himself
Scripture readings: Exodus 19:1-6, Isaiah 43:1-7
B. Holwerda
The confession of the first article through Jesus Christ Our Lord
This article is:
- Is possible thanks to Jesus Christ
- Owes its consolation to Jesus Christ
- Finds its fulfillment through Jesus Christ
Scripture reading: Revelation 4
K. Dijk
The confession of God’s fatherhood speaks of:
- Who the Father is
- What the Father does
Scripture reading: Romans 8:12-17, 28-30
J. Kok
The first article of our faith:
- I believe in God the Father
- I believe in God the Father, the Almighty
- I believe in God the Father, the Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth
Scripture reading: 2 Timothy 1:12
My God and my Father
- The love of the Father
- The might of the Father
- The care of the Father
- The faithfulness of the Father
Scripture reading: 2 Corinthians 6:18
Wes Bredenhof
The almighty God is my faithful Father and he gives everything its meaning
We’ll consider how this connects to the:
- Past
- Present
- Future
Scripture readings: Genesis 1, Revelation 4
The gospel promises that the powerful Creator is my loving Father
We’ll learn about:
- Christ, the basis of this promise
- The content of this promise
- The comfort of this promise
Scripture reading: Isaiah 40
Steve Swets
The only true God is our Father through our Lord Jesus Christ
- His creation
- His care
- His capability
Scripture readings: Genesis 1:11-25, Psalm 104
Mendel Retief
God Almighty promised to be our Father
We will note:
- That God the Father has become our Father
- That our Father is the Almighty
- That our Father is faithful
Scripture reading: Psalm 148
Abram de Graaf
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
- The foundational creation of the heavens and the earth
- The special formation of the earth in seven days
- The principle objective of creation: the adoration of God on the seventh day
Scripture reading: Genesis 1:1
Adriano Gama
Confess me as your Almighty Father!
- Almighty Father for creation
- Almighty Father for sustaining
- Almighty Father for governing
Scripture readings: Genesis 1:31-2:3, Matthew 6:24:34