Lord’s Day 9

G. Van Popta

The good news about the Fatherhood of God the Creator of heaven and earth

God the Father is our:

  1. Loving Father
  2. Almighty Creator
  3. Faithful provider

Scripture readings:  Isaiah 40:12-31

C. Bouwman

Our God made the world in which we live

  1. The majesty of the Creator
  2. The comfort for the creature
  3. Our care for his creation

Scripture readings:  Genesis 1:1-23, Matthew 6:19-34

T. Van Raalte

God our Father created all things and directs them for our benefit

  1. He directs all the invisible beings for our benefit
  2. He directs all things through Christ for our benefit

Scripture reading:  Psalm 91

R.H. Bremmer

The church confesses in the first article her faith in God the Father

She speaks out of:

  1. Faith’s riches
  2. Faith’s trust
  3. Faith’s foundation

Scripture reading:  Psalm 121

C. Stam

The confession concerning the unique bond between God the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and his chosen children

  1. He made us for himself
  2. He brought us to himself
  3. He keeps us with himself

Scripture readings:  Exodus 19:1-6, Isaiah 43:1-7

B. Holwerda

The confession of the first article through Jesus Christ Our Lord

This article is:

  1. Is possible thanks to Jesus Christ
  2. Owes its consolation to Jesus Christ
  3. Finds its fulfillment through Jesus Christ

Scripture reading:  Revelation 4

K. Dijk

The confession of God’s fatherhood speaks of:

  1. Who the Father is
  2. What the Father does

Scripture reading:  Romans 8:12-17, 28-30

J. Kok

The first article of our faith:

  1. I believe in God the Father
  2. I believe in God the Father, the Almighty
  3. I believe in God the Father, the Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth

Scripture reading:  2 Timothy 1:12

My God and my Father

  1. The love of the Father
  2. The might of the Father
  3. The care of the Father
  4. The faithfulness of the Father

Scripture reading:  2 Corinthians 6:18

Wes Bredenhof

The almighty God is my faithful Father and he gives everything its meaning

We’ll consider how this connects to the:

  1. Past
  2. Present
  3. Future

Scripture readings:  Genesis 1, Revelation 4

The gospel promises that the powerful Creator is my loving Father

We’ll learn about:

  1. Christ, the basis of this promise
  2. The content of this promise
  3. The comfort of this promise

Scripture reading: Isaiah 40 

Steve Swets

The only true God is our Father through our Lord Jesus Christ

  1. His creation
  2. His care
  3. His capability

Scripture readings:  Genesis 1:11-25, Psalm 104

Mendel Retief

God Almighty promised to be our Father

We will note:

  1. That God the Father has become our Father
  2. That our Father is the Almighty
  3. That our Father is faithful

Scripture reading:  Psalm 148

Abram de Graaf

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

  1. The foundational creation of the heavens and the earth
  2. The special formation of the earth in seven days
  3. The principle objective of creation:  the adoration of God on the seventh day

Scripture reading:  Genesis 1:1

Adriano Gama

Confess me as your Almighty Father!

  1. Almighty Father for creation
  2. Almighty Father for sustaining
  3. Almighty Father for governing

Scripture readings:  Genesis 1:31-2:3, Matthew 6:24:34