I Recommend

This past week, I shared the following links on social media and I think they’re worth sharing here too:
9 Benefits of Faithful Church Attendance
Sometimes we need a good reminder, motivation to keep doing the good and right thing — or maybe start to make it (more) habitual. Along the same lines, I also shared this: Assembly Required: 25 Reasons to Regularly Participate in Public and Corporate Worship.
Asbury Is Having A Revival (Again)
It’s good to be reflective and cautious about these sorts of reports. True revival ought to bear lasting fruit.
Finding his Voice After Mumford & Sons: An Interview with Winston Marshall
If you enjoy the music of Mumford & Sons, you might find this interesting.
We had our annual church leadership retreat this weekend and we watched this documentary. Highly recommended for parents, church leaders, teachers, and everyone!
How Did Jesus Become What God Hates?
The answer comes down to one key biblical/theological word. If you understand this, you’ll also understand how Christians can be both saints and sinners.