Reuben Bredenhof
Together the church confesses our faith in the Triune God
- The unity of the Trinity
- The unity of the church
Scripture readings: John 5:16-30, John 17:20-26
Our faith and life rest in the Triune God alone
- He is Father
- He is Son
- He is Holy Spirit
Scripture reading: Ephesians 2
G. Van Popta
Three great questions:
- Who will care for us?
- Who will save us?
- Who will renew us?
Scripture reading: John 14
T. VanRaalte
Your God calls you to trust and worship him as he is: Three-in-One
- He made this plan by his works
- He now confirms this by his Word
Scripture readings: 1 Corinthians 8:1-6, 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
C. Bouwman
The God of heaven and earth is triune
- Two modern concepts of God
- Three distinct persons are one God
- One glorious identity of God
Scripture reading: John 3:1-21
The God too great for us to understand adopts sinful people to be his children
- Who this great God is
- What this great God does
C. Stam
The confession concerning the Triune God
Evident in:
- The mighty works of God
- The simple Word of God
B. Holwerda
The triune God, witness of Jesus Christ (1 John 5:1-13, John 17:20-26)
- The persons in heaven who give that witness: Father, Son, and Spirit; and these three are one.
- The facts on earth through which that witness is given: Spirit, water, and blood; and these three agree as one.
- The end of history for which that witness is given: God, church, and world; and these three come to agree as one.
J. Kok
Faith in the Triune God
- Object
- Ground
- Purpose
The apostolic confession and the apostolic blessing (2 Cor. 13:14)
- The riches of both
- The meaning of both
- The need for both
R.H. Bremmer
Our faith in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit
- So we know him
- So we confess him
- So we entrust ourselves to him
K. Dijk
God and…us
- We are involved in his work
- Through his work we know fellowship with him
The confession of the Triune God speaks of:
- The Father as Creator
- The Son as Redeemer
- The Spirit as Sanctifier