J. Kok
The basic principles of redemption:
- The necessity for redemption
- The possibility of redemption
- The nature of redemption
- The manner of redemption
- The powerlessness to effect redemption (De machteloosheid tot verlossing)
- The only mediator for redemption
Scripture reading: Psalm 49
C. Stam
The Gospel of Jesus Christ concerning the one way of salvation
- The wonderful destination of this way
- The great obstacle on this way
- The only possibility of this way
Scripture reading: Acts 16:11-18
K. Dijk
Redemption through justice
- Why is it necessary?
- How is it possible?
Scripture reading: Isaiah 1:18-31
The confession regarding the possibility of redemption
- It rests not with us (impossible)
- It rests only with God (possible)
Scripture reading: none provided in the original source
Wes Bredenhof
Payment must be made to meet God’s demand for justice
- This payment must be made by man
- This payment cannot be made by a mere man
Scripture readings: Ezekiel 18:19-23, Exodus 19:16-25
The dawn of our deliverance
- God’s loving favour
- God’s just demand
- God’s impossible obstacle
- God’s mediator and deliverer
Scripture reading: Nahum 1
Our redemption reveals a great and praiseworthy God!
We’ll consider the connection between our redemption and his:
- Mercy
- Wisdom
- Power
Scripture readings: Isaiah 59, 1 Corinthians 1:18-31
The way of escape
This way involves:
- A full payment
- A full payment that neither we nor any creature can make
- A full payment that another can make for us
Scripture reading: Genesis 7
We confess our great need for propitiation
- Who must be propitiated
- For whom this propitiation is necessary
- Who can work this propitiation
Scripture reading: Hebrews 2
Reuben Bredenhof
In gratitude we count the high cost of our deliverance:
- full payment is needed
- many payers are excluded
- only one payer is accepted
Scripture readings: Psalm 49, Ephesians 2:1-18
“Who are we?” – the Scripture’s lesson in identity
- We fall with Adam
- We rise with Christ
Scripture readings: Romans 5:12-6:14
God in his righteousness requires a full payment for sin
- The debt we daily increase
- The price we cannot pay
- The Mediator who can cover the cost
Scripture readings: Matthew 18:21-35, Colossians 2:11-23
C. Bouwman
Reconciliation with God our Maker is God’s gracious gift in Jesus Christ
- The folly of human effort
- The marvel of God’s mercy
- The consequence that follows
Scripture readings: Hebrews 2:14-18, Revelation 16:1-11
R.H. Bremmer
Is there a way to redemption?
- God opens it
- We ourselves cannot open it
- It is given in Christ
Scripture reading: Romans 3:19-31
B. Holwerda
The requirements for the Mediator fixed in the structure of the covenant of works
Because the covenant of works means that the payment must come:
- From one who is a true man
- From one who is a righteous man
- From one who is true God
Scripture reading: Romans 3:9-28
J. Smith
Seek the mediator that God provides
- A mediator who can lay down his life to satisfy God’s justice for us
- A mediator who takes up his life again to obtain God’s mercy for us
Scripture reading: John 10:1-18
E. Kampen
Trust in Jesus, for there is no other way to the Father
We see this as we consider:
- The need to pay
- How we can’t pay
- How no mere creature can pay
Scripture readings: John 14:1-14, Romans 8:1-8