Lord’s Day 41

George VanPopta

The gospel and the 7th commandment call us to modesty in how we clothe ourselves

  1. The need for clothes
  2. The Lord Jesus unclothed
  3. The Christian’s clothes

Scripture readings: John 19:16b-24, 1 Timothy 2:1-10

Keith Davis

God calls us to preserve the purity of the marriage covenant

We do so two ways:

  1. By detesting the perversions which endanger marriage
  2. By exemplifying the conduct which promotes marriage

Scripture readings: 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8, Matthew 5:27-32

Wes Bredenhof

Marriage:  God’s blueprint for man and woman to live in intimate relationship

We see this blueprint:

  1. Grounded in creation
  2. Vandalized in the fall
  3. Restored and fulfilled in Christ

Scripture readings: Genesis 2:18-25, Song of Songs 1, Ephesians 5:22-33

The Seventh Commandment teaches that purity and holiness are God’s will for us

We’ll learn how this involves:

  1. The dying of the old nature
  2. The coming to life of the new nature

Scripture readings: Proverbs 5, 1 Corinthians 6

The 7th Word: God commands purity in his people

We’ll learn about:

  1. The design of this commandment
  2. The fulfillment of this commandment
  3. The challenges to this commandment

Scripture readings: Proverbs 7, Matthew 5:27-30, Ephesians 5

Clarence Bouwman

In his care the Lord our God warns us against unchastity

  1. Why unchastity is cursed
  2. How sexuality is restored

In the seventh commandment God protects marriage from decay

  1. The purpose of marriage
  2. The reason for passions

Arthur VanDelden

Happy are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the Lord’s seventh commandment

  1. What God demands of us in the seventh commandment
  2. What God promises regarding the seventh commandment

Henry VanderKam

Christian Marriage

  1. Its preparation
  2. Its essence
  3. Its dangers

Clarence Stam

The Lord commands us in the seventh commandment to glorify God in our body

  1. Why we must glorify God in our body
  2. How we shall glorify God in our body

Scripture readings: Proverbs 5, 1 Corinthians 6:9-20

K. Dijk

God’s protection of marriage

  1. In his favour to us
  2. In our service to him

Our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit

  1. What grace!
  2. What a responsibility!

God requires chastity in our whole life


  1. This life is an image of him
  2. This life is a gift from him
  3. This life is a service to him. 

Reuben Bredenhof

You are a temple of the Holy Spirit, so:

  1. Remember who you’ve become in Christ
  2. Banish all sexual impurity from your life
  3. Single or married, live in total devotion to God

Scripture readings: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8

Christ teaches us about the holiness of sexuality

  1. The serious threats to this gift
  2. The drastic defense of this gift
  3. The beautiful setting for this gift

Scripture reading: Matthew 5:27-32