T. Van Raalte
To walk with the living Lord of life we must uphold the life he’s given others
- Whoever hates his brother walks with Satan in the darkness of death
- Whoever loves his brother walks with God in the light of life
- Whoever walks with his Lord Jesus can walk in love for others
Scripture readings: 1 John 2:3-17, 1 John 3:11-16
G. Van Popta
Be pro-life
- The Lord God has created life
- You must care for your own life
- You must care for your neighbour’s life
Scripture readings: Genesis 9:1-7; Matthew 5:21-22; Romans 12:9-21; 13:8-14
Wes Bredenhof
The gospel leads Christians to honour and protect life
We’ll learn how we have:
- A Saviour whose life rescues us from death
- A Spirit whose guidance directs us away from death
Scripture reading: John 11:1-44
The Sixth Commandment calls us to uphold the life God has given
We’ll learn about our calling with respect to:
- Creation
- Society
- Ourselves
Scripture readings: Genesis 4:1-16, 1 Peter 4:1-11
C. Stam
The commandment of the Lord that we are to consider life as a sovereign gift of God
- With respect to our environment
- With respect to our fellow men
- With respect to ourselves
Scripture reading: Genesis 9:1-17
B. Holwerda
Love and justice in society
The love of the sixth commandment is a love that:
- Confesses the restoration of justice
- Maintains justice
- Desires the fulfillment of justice
Scripture reading: 1 John 3:10-18
C. Bouwman
The God of life treasures life
- What is murder?
- What is commanded?
The Creator of life gives and takes life in his time and manner
- Why people may not terminate life
- What people need to do with life
The God of life hates murder and demands love
- Why we may not murder
- Why we must love
R. H. Bremmer
The depth of God’s requirement in the sixth commandment
That comes into focus as we look at:
- How God discovers us here in our guilt
- How God points out to us the way of redemption
- How God sets before our eyes our task in society
Scripture reading: Genesis 4:1-16
K. Dijk
What do I do with my life?
- Do I see it as a gift of God?
- Do I see it as a mandate from God?
Reuben Bredenhof
Let’s get to the root of the sixth commandment:
- It’s broken by the sinful heart
- It’s kept by the renewed heart
Scripture readings: Mark 7:14-23, 1 Peter 4:1-11
Christ teaches us to love all the people around us:
- With an active love
- With an urgent love
- With an extensive love
Scripture reading: Matthew 5:13-48
Stephen ‘t Hart
Murder begins in the heart but life comes from God
- The root of murder
- The way of life
Scripture readings: Matthew 5: 17-26, 1 John 4:7-21