Lord’s Day 38

Reuben Bredenhof

Jesus teaches us good activities for the Lord’s Day

  1. True giving
  2. True praying
  3. True fasting

Scripture reading: Matthew 6:1-18

God has given us the Lord’s Day

  1. It is for us
  2. It is for God

Scripture readings: Exodus 31:12-18, Mark 2:23-3:6


The LORD has commanded for his people a special day of rest

  1. The celebration of this day of rest
  2. The activity on this day of rest
  3. The promise in this day of rest

Scripture readings: Exodus 31:12-17, Mark 2:23-27

Wes Bredenhof

What the Fourth Commandment reveals about the Lord of the Sabbath

  1. The grace he came to give
  2. The rest he came to bring
  3. The liberty he came to announce

Scripture readings: Matthew 11:25-12:14, Luke 4:14-30

Remember the Lord’s Day to keep it holy

We’ll consider how this commandment is:

  1. Rooted in creation
  2. Linked to redemption
  3. Anticipating renewal

Scripture reading: Hebrews 4:1-13

Let us keep the Lord’s Day holy

  1. Why
  2. How

Scripture readings: Exodus 31:12-18, Acts 20:7-12

G. Van Popta

The gospel gives us rest

Gospel rest calls us to:

  1. Maintain the ministry of the gospel
  2. Attend the celebrations of the gospel
  3. Live daily according to the gospel

Scripture readings: Malachi 3:6-12; Acts 2:42-47; 1 Corinthians 14:26-40; 2 Corinthians 9:6-15

W. B. Slomp

The LORD God gives us time to celebrate his rest

He gives us:

  1. A weekly rest
  2. A spiritual rest
  3. An eternal rest

Scripture reading: Psalm 92

C. Bouwman

In the Sabbath, God’s people receive a foretaste of paradise restored

  1. The message of the sabbath
  2. The celebration of the sabbath
  3. The continuation of the sabbath

Scripture readings: Exodus 16:11-31, Leviticus 25:1-22

B. Holwerda

The gospel of the law of the Sabbath

  1. The Sabbath sacrifice, by which we show our gratitude to God
  2. The Sabbath peace, by which we are assured of our faith
  3. The Sabbath fellowship, by which we win our neighbour for Christ

Scripture reading: Hebrews 4:1-13

T. VanRaalte

When we walk with the Lord, then his day is delightful!

  1. What makes the Lord’s Day delightful
  2. How the Lord’s Day can become a burden
  3. The delight which the Lord’s Day anticipates

Scripture readings: Isaiah 56:1-8, Isaiah 58:13-14

R. H. Bremmer

The Christian Sunday as the day of God

  1. God chose this day
  2. He gives us the program for the feast
  3. He makes us his guests

Scripture reading: Mark 2:23-3:6

K. Dijk

Keeping the Lord’s Day holy

  1. Why do we keep this day holy?
  2. How do we keep this day holy?

The Sabbath is a sign

  1. Of the exodus from the house of slavery
  2. Of the introduction into the house of the Father