Reuben Bredenhof
Jesus teaches us good activities for the Lord’s Day
- True giving
- True praying
- True fasting
Scripture reading: Matthew 6:1-18
God has given us the Lord’s Day
- It is for us
- It is for God
Scripture readings: Exodus 31:12-18, Mark 2:23-3:6
The LORD has commanded for his people a special day of rest
- The celebration of this day of rest
- The activity on this day of rest
- The promise in this day of rest
Scripture readings: Exodus 31:12-17, Mark 2:23-27
Wes Bredenhof
What the Fourth Commandment reveals about the Lord of the Sabbath
- The grace he came to give
- The rest he came to bring
- The liberty he came to announce
Scripture readings: Matthew 11:25-12:14, Luke 4:14-30
Remember the Lord’s Day to keep it holy
We’ll consider how this commandment is:
- Rooted in creation
- Linked to redemption
- Anticipating renewal
Scripture reading: Hebrews 4:1-13
Let us keep the Lord’s Day holy
- Why
- How
Scripture readings: Exodus 31:12-18, Acts 20:7-12
G. Van Popta
The gospel gives us rest
Gospel rest calls us to:
- Maintain the ministry of the gospel
- Attend the celebrations of the gospel
- Live daily according to the gospel
Scripture readings: Malachi 3:6-12; Acts 2:42-47; 1 Corinthians 14:26-40; 2 Corinthians 9:6-15
W. B. Slomp
The LORD God gives us time to celebrate his rest
He gives us:
- A weekly rest
- A spiritual rest
- An eternal rest
Scripture reading: Psalm 92
C. Bouwman
In the Sabbath, God’s people receive a foretaste of paradise restored
- The message of the sabbath
- The celebration of the sabbath
- The continuation of the sabbath
Scripture readings: Exodus 16:11-31, Leviticus 25:1-22
B. Holwerda
The gospel of the law of the Sabbath
- The Sabbath sacrifice, by which we show our gratitude to God
- The Sabbath peace, by which we are assured of our faith
- The Sabbath fellowship, by which we win our neighbour for Christ
Scripture reading: Hebrews 4:1-13
T. VanRaalte
When we walk with the Lord, then his day is delightful!
- What makes the Lord’s Day delightful
- How the Lord’s Day can become a burden
- The delight which the Lord’s Day anticipates
Scripture readings: Isaiah 56:1-8, Isaiah 58:13-14
R. H. Bremmer
The Christian Sunday as the day of God
- God chose this day
- He gives us the program for the feast
- He makes us his guests
Scripture reading: Mark 2:23-3:6
K. Dijk
Keeping the Lord’s Day holy
- Why do we keep this day holy?
- How do we keep this day holy?
The Sabbath is a sign
- Of the exodus from the house of slavery
- Of the introduction into the house of the Father