The third commandment of the Law that we use the Name of the LORD only with fear and reverence
- The wondrous revelation of this Name
- The joyous recognition of this Name
- The terrible abuse of this Name
Scripture readings: Leviticus 24:10-23, Philippians 2:1-10
Reuben Bredenhof
Let us use the holy name of God with fear and reverence
- Rightly confessing him
- Calling upon him
- Praising him with our words and works
Scripture readings: Psalm 20, Matthew 10:27-33
Use God’s Name only with fear and reverence
- Because his Name is holy
- Because his Name is worthy
Scripture readings: Psalm 99, Revelation 4
Stephen ‘t Hart
Live to the honour of God’s holy Name
- Honour God’s Name with your lips
- Honour God’s Name with your lives
Scripture readings: Leviticus 24:10-16, 1 Peter 1:13-21
Jeremy Segstro
How then shall we use God’s Name?
- Not in blasphemy
- But in blessing
Scripture reading: Romans 2:12-29
Wes Bredenhof
We are called to rightly use the Holy Name of God
- The privilege of this calling
- The responsibility of this calling
- The purpose of this calling
G. Van Popta
We are to use God’s Name only with fear and reverence
We will consider:
- The significance of His Name
- The abuse of His Name
- The proper use of His Name
Scripture readings: Leviticus 24:10-23, Acts 4:1-12
W. Huizinga
Lift up the name of the Lord your God with honor, not as vanity
By this command God wants us to:
- Put to death the old self – do not use the name as vanity
- Raise up the new self – use the name with honor
C. Bouwman
God’s glorious reputation is not to be degraded but exalted
- Why this name is not to be degraded
- How his name is being degraded
- What God does to exalt his name
B. Holwerda
Blaspheming the Holy Spirit
- The character of this sin
- The judgment concerning this sin
- The way to this sin
Scripture reading: Hebrews 10:19-31
J. Kok
The blasphemy of God’s Name
- The origin of this sin
- The revelation of this sin
- The punishment of this sin.
The third commandment
- Proclaimed in Scripture
- Fulfilled through love
- Maintained according to justice
R. H. Bremmer
God’s command to sanctify his Name
- It warns us against the misuse of this name
- It wakes us up to the right use
- It shows what is at stake with the third commandment.
Scripture reading: Leviticus 24:10-23
K. Dijk
The name of the LORD
- Forbids all misuse
- Judges all non-use
- Demands our holy use