Reuben Bredenhof
Jesus the King entrusts us with the two keys of his kingdom
- The preaching of the holy gospel
- Church discipline
Scripture readings: Matthew 16:13-28, Matthew 18:10-20
Christ gives the keys of the kingdom with purpose
- For the sinner’s redemption
- For the church’s sanctification
- For the Lord’s glorification
Scripture readings: 1 Corinthians 5, 2 Corinthians 2
Wes Bredenhof
The church has received keys from her king
- The identity of those keys
- The manner in which those keys are to be used
Scripture reading: 1 Corinthians 5, 2 Corinthians 1:23-2:17
George van Popta
The good news that Christ our Passover Lamb has been sacrificed
This good news:
- Proclaimed
- Rejected
- Defended
Scripture reading: 1 Corinthians 5
Jeremy Segstro
Who is admitted into the upside-down Kingdom?
- Those with ears to hear
- Those with hearts to repent
Scripture reading: Matthew 5
Clarence Stam
Christ sets his church under the discipline of the Holy Spirit
- It is the discipline of the Word of Christ
- It is the discipline of the love of Christ
Scripture readings: Hebrews 4:1-13, Revelation 3:14-22
B. Holwerda
Christ and the key-power of the church
These keys signify:
- The authority of the church
- The seriousness of the church
- The salvation of the church
Scripture reading: Luke 12:35-48
R.H. Bremmer
In his church’s key-ministry, Christ sets redemption in sharp focus
We see this:
- In relation to preaching
- In relation to discipline
- In relation to God himself
Scripture readings: Isaiah 22:15-25, Matthew 16:13-20
Eric Kampen
Through the preaching and discipline of the church we learn whether we are saved or not
We see this by considering:
- Preaching
- Discipline
Scripture readings: Matthew 18:15-20, John 3:16-21, 2 Thessalonians 3:6-14
K. Dijk
Watchers on Zion’s walls. They are:
- Appointed by Christ
- Charged with his duty
- Working for his glory
Scripture reading: Ezekiel 33:1-9
Walled city or open court?
- Why not the last?
- Why only the first?
The ministry of the keys and God’s judgment
- Why does God judge according to this witness?
- How does God judge according to this witness?