Lord’s Day 3


The confession of the Church concerning the mystery of sin

  1. Sin and the formation of man
  2. Sin and the deformation of man
  3. Sin and the reformation of man


By God’s grace wretched sinners become children of God

  1. The glorious heights of our creation
  2. The terrible depths of our fall
  3. The gracious gift of our restoration

Through the Spirit of Christ the Creator repairs what we broke

  1. God’s glorious creation
  2. Our perverse fall
  3. The Spirit’s renewing work

Christ came to save not the righteous but sinners

  1. How God created us
  2. What we became
  3. How God restores us

Wes Bredenhof

We confess our total depravity

  1. Depravity’s origin
  2. Depravity’s extent
  3. Depravity’s solution

Scripture readings: Psalm 53, Ephesians 4:17-32

God’s Word gives us a true picture of ourselves

  1. Who we were
  2. Who we became
  3. How we become something different

Scripture readings:  Genesis 2:4-25, 1 Corinthians 6:1-11

Reuben Bredenhof

The beginning and end of our sin and misery

  1. From the original creation
  2. To the old creation
  3. To the new creation

B. Holwerda

The comfort of Lord’s Day 3

  1. How great my sin and misery is
  2. How I am delivered
  3. How I shall be thankful

R. Bremmer

Lord’s Day 3 leads us to see who we really are

  1. It tells us who we were
  2. It tells us who we became
  3. It tells us how we can become something different

J. Kok

Four parties at work in the revelation of our misery

  1. God and his work in creation
  2. Satan and his work in temptation
  3. Man and his work in the fall
  4. The Spirit and his work in regeneration

Through the Holy Spirit we are led to the truth of our misery

  1. In the truth about our creation
  2. In the truth about our sin
  3. In the truth about our inability