Jeremy Segstro
Our God is not a great salesman (but he is a great Saviour)
- His product before our payment
- Our payment rejected
- Our payment rewarded
Scripture reading: Romans 5
Reuben Bredenhof
Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling
- For it is God who works in you
- To will and to do for his good pleasure
Scripture reading: Philippians 2:1-18
C. Stam
The confession concerning the measure of divine standards in the Kingdom of Heaven
- The measure of merit
- The measure of grace
- The measure of faith
K. Dijk
Not out of works
- Because Christ has accomplished everything
- Because our works accomplish nothing
Our righteousness and holiness
- First it comes forth from the source
- Second it follows as the necessary consequence
J. Kok
The place of our good works in our relationship with God
- The ineptness of our good works for reconciliation
- The reward of good works out of grace
- The root of good works in Christ
Not justified through works!
- According to the demand of God’s law
- In the light of God’s promise
- With the eye on God’s Christ.
Only out of grace
- Our righteousness
- Our reward
- Our fruits
Wes Bredenhof
The place of our good works in our relationship with God
- The ineptness of your good works
- The reward of your good works
- The inevitability of your good works
Scripture readings: Luke 17:1-10, Luke 18:9-14, Ephesians 2:1-10
Fix your eyes on Christ and not on your deeds
We’ll learn how God:
- Rejects all deeds
- Accepts some deeds
- Expects good deeds
Scripture readings: Luke 17:1-10, Galatians 3:1-14
God’s amazing sovereign grace produces fruit in our lives
- The function of this fruit
- The reward for this fruit
- The source of this fruit
Scripture reading: Philippians 3
G. VanPopta
The place of good works in the life of a Christian
- Good works and the law
- Good works and God’s grace
- Good works and true faith
Scripture readings: Isaiah 64:5-12, Luke 18:9-14, John 15:1-11
C. Bouwman
Because of God’s grace in Christ, we need not seek to impress God
- The value of good works
- The link between good works and reward
- The inevitability of good works
R.H. Bremmer
The proof of the gospel of free grace
We see that:
- With our faith
- With our hope
- With our love
B. Holwerda
Justification in Christ:
- is the judgment over our good works
- is the source of our good works
- brings the reward on our good works.