Lord’s Day 22

Clarence Stam

The confession of the Church that Christ grants the life that never ends

  1. The immediate preservation of our life (when we die)
  2. The ultimate glorification of our life (in the resurrection)
  3. The eternal blessedness of our life (on the new earth)

Scripture readings: Philippians 2:12-26, 3:17-21

Wes Bredenhof

In our death and what follows, Jesus is a complete Saviour

We’ll learn how be promises:

  1. To take our souls immediately to himself
  2. To later reunite our bodies and souls
  3. To give us perfect blessedness forever

Scripture reading:  Luke 23:26-43, Revelation 7:9-17

The gospel promises that speak of a blessed ever after through Christ our Saviour

We’ll see that these promises pertain to:

  1. The resurrection of the body
  2. The life everlasting

Scripture readings: Job 19:23-27, Matthew 22:23-33, Philippians 3

Reuben Bredenhof

I will live forever! 

This eternal life is:

  1. Granted by the Son
  2. Experienced through the Spirit
  3. Promised by the Father

Scripture readings: John 5:16-30, 2 Peter 3:10-18

We believe God’s beautiful promise of the life everlasting

  1. Our deep hunger for eternity
  2. Our small taste of eternity
  3. The sweet fullness of eternity

Scripture reading:  Ecclesiastes 3:1-22

Stephen ‘t Hart

The Holy Spirit comforts the church with the promise of the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting

This promise gives us:

  1. Comfort for the present
  2. Hope for the future

Scripture readings: Job 19, Revelation 21

Jeremy Segstro

I believe in the Christian life of hope

  1. Our hope of an empty tomb
  2. Our hope of eternal joy

Scripture reading: 2 Corinthians 4:17-5:21


The Comfort from the last two articles of our Confession of Faith

  1. It gives light regarding death and grief
  2. It gives hope regarding a perfect blessedness


The Comfort for eternity

  1. At our life’s end
  2. At the end of time

The last benefits of the Spirit

  1. In our blessed resurrection
  2. In our eternal life

Christ our resurrection and our life

  1. As our resurrection
  2. As our life

Through death to glory

  1. In the victory over death
  2. In the swallowing up of death


The Holy Spirit in the completion of Christ’s Easter work

  1. He fulfills Christ’s Easter peace in our death
  2. He fulfills Christ’s Easter reality in our resurrection
  3. He fulfills Christ’s Easter glory in our eternal life.