Clarence Stam
The confession of the Church that Christ grants the life that never ends
- The immediate preservation of our life (when we die)
- The ultimate glorification of our life (in the resurrection)
- The eternal blessedness of our life (on the new earth)
Scripture readings: Philippians 2:12-26, 3:17-21
Wes Bredenhof
In our death and what follows, Jesus is a complete Saviour
We’ll learn how be promises:
- To take our souls immediately to himself
- To later reunite our bodies and souls
- To give us perfect blessedness forever
Scripture reading: Luke 23:26-43, Revelation 7:9-17
The gospel promises that speak of a blessed ever after through Christ our Saviour
We’ll see that these promises pertain to:
- The resurrection of the body
- The life everlasting
Scripture readings: Job 19:23-27, Matthew 22:23-33, Philippians 3
Reuben Bredenhof
I will live forever!
This eternal life is:
- Granted by the Son
- Experienced through the Spirit
- Promised by the Father
Scripture readings: John 5:16-30, 2 Peter 3:10-18
We believe God’s beautiful promise of the life everlasting
- Our deep hunger for eternity
- Our small taste of eternity
- The sweet fullness of eternity
Scripture reading: Ecclesiastes 3:1-22
Stephen ‘t Hart
The Holy Spirit comforts the church with the promise of the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting
This promise gives us:
- Comfort for the present
- Hope for the future
Scripture readings: Job 19, Revelation 21
Jeremy Segstro
I believe in the Christian life of hope
- Our hope of an empty tomb
- Our hope of eternal joy
Scripture reading: 2 Corinthians 4:17-5:21
The Comfort from the last two articles of our Confession of Faith
- It gives light regarding death and grief
- It gives hope regarding a perfect blessedness
The Comfort for eternity
- At our life’s end
- At the end of time
The last benefits of the Spirit
- In our blessed resurrection
- In our eternal life
Christ our resurrection and our life
- As our resurrection
- As our life
Through death to glory
- In the victory over death
- In the swallowing up of death
The Holy Spirit in the completion of Christ’s Easter work
- He fulfills Christ’s Easter peace in our death
- He fulfills Christ’s Easter reality in our resurrection
- He fulfills Christ’s Easter glory in our eternal life.