The confession concerning the primacy of Jesus Christ,
- As Head of the Church
- As King of all creation
- As Judge of all people
George Van Popta
Christ the exalted King
- The majesty of his exaltation
- The blessing of his exaltation
- The comfort of his exaltation
Scripture reading: Psalm 72
D. Wynia
Our Lord Jesus Christ is at the right hand of God and will come to judge the living and the dead
- He is the Head of the church and the Ruler of the world
- He is Defender of the church against the world
- He is Redeemer of the church and the Judge of the world
C. Bouwman
The Christ who died for us rules earth from heaven until he returns
- Christ rules the earth as King today
- Christ returns to the earth as Judge tomorrow
J. Kok
The Head of the congregation
- The source of her life
- The fulfiller of all her needs
- The hope of her future
The last two stages of Christ’s exaltation
- The session at God’s right hand
- The rule of his congregation
- His return for judgment
K. Dijk
Jesus reigns
- Over all things – his kingdom of power
- Over his church – his kingdom of grace
Christ’s kingly glory
- In what does it consist?
- What purpose does it serve?
- Where does it lead?
B. Holwerda
Christ Jesus – the fulfillment of Psalm 110
Because he went to sit on the the throne of Father, he is proven to be:
- The Regent of the world
- The Head of the church
- The Judge of all
R.H. Bremmer
The majesty of Christ our head comes out in:
- God’s rule of all things through him
- The great value for us of his majesty
- His leading history to its end
Reuben Bredenhof
Christ in his glory is preparing our future glory
- Today he rules from heaven
- While we live on earth
- And soon shall be with him
Scripture readings: Psalm 110, Acts 1:1-11
To give us eternal salvation, Jesus will come again
- His awesome appearance
- His just judgment
- His pardoned people
Scripture readings: Luke 21:5-38, 2 Peter 3:1-13