J. Kok
My Lord and my God!
- In these two names the congregation confesses her faith
- In these two names her hope is rooted
- To these two names her love is affixed
The majesty of Christ as Son of God and Lord of his people
- In his worthiness
- In his love
- In his Lordship
C. Stam
The confession of the Christian Church that Jesus is Lord
- This is his natural position
- This is his special honour
K. Dijk
Being a Son and being a child
- In their differences
- In their similarities
The certainty of our redemption lies in:
- Christ as God’s Son
- Christ as our Lord
J.H. van den Hoeven
The glory of our redemption is in God himself
Our redemption is:
- Out of God (because our Redeemer is our God)
- Through God (because our Redeemer is our Brother)
- To God (because our Redeemer is our Lord)
Wes Bredenhof
How the Lord Jesus Christ differs from us
- He is the eternal, natural Son – we are adopted children
- He is the Lord and Master – we are his possession
We have comfort in confessing Christ as the Son of God and our Lord
- The reality this comfort involves
- The responsibility this comfort entails
What the gospel promises about Christ, God’s only begotten Son and our Lord
- The shadows of these promises in the Old Testament
- The fulfillment of these promises in the New Testament
Scripture readings: Psalm 2, John 5:16-30, Ephesians 4:1-16
C. Bouwman
The child of God is a slave to God and thankful for it
- The curse of slavery to Satan
- The privilege of slavery to God
- The consequence of slavery to God
Scripture readings: Romans 6:8-23, 1 John 5:1-5
G. Van Popta
Jesus Christ, God’s only-begotten Son, our Lord
- His majesty
- His grace
- His claim
Scripture readings: John 1:1-18, 1 Corinthians 6:9-20
D. Wynia
Our Saviour Jesus is the only-begotten Son of God and our Lord
- The gospel of his Sonship
- The gospel of our sonship
- The gospel of his Lordship
Reuben Bredenhof
The only begotten-Son makes us his brothers and sisters
- The distance in this relationship
- The authority in this relationship
- The closeness in this relationship
Scripture reading: Hebrews 2