C. Stam
The confession of the Church that Jesus is the Christ, the Anointed of God
- What this means for him
- What this means for us
C. Bouwman
Anointing equips us for our task in God’s world
- Anointing in the Old Testament
- The anointing of Jesus
- The anointing of God’s people in the New Testament
Scripture readings: Exodus 30:22-33, Luke 3:21-22, Luke 4:1-21
Jesus’ anointing spelled out that he has fulfilled his office with heaven’s approval
- The background to Jesus’ anointing in the Old Testament
- The fruit of Jesus’ anointing while on earth
- The consequence of Jesus’ anointing today
W. Bredenhof
Christ is our Eternal Mediator-Warrior-King
We’ll consider:
- His reign in our redemption
- His reign in the response to our redemption
- His reign in the realization of our full redemption
Scripture readings: Philippians 2:1-11, Revelation 5
The Anointed One who supplies what is lacking in us and through us
We’ll learn about him as:
- Our prophet supplying revelation and wisdom
- Our priest supplying refugue and intercession
- Our king supplying defence and escape
Scripture readings: Zephaniah 3:14-20, Luke 4:14-30, Hebrews 10:1-18
Arthur Van Delden
As Christians, we share in Christ’s anointing as prophet, priest, and king
- The noble office bearer at creation
- The condemned office bearer after the fall
- The justified office bearer through Christ
- The restored office bearer through the Spirit
D. Wynia
Jesus is the Christ, the anointed One
- The purpose of his anointing
- The result of his anointing
R.H. Bremmer
Through Christ I am a Christian
- Who Christ is
- What being a Christian is
K. Dijk
The meaning of office
- For Christ
- For us
Christ recreates the true humanity
- Through which work?
- With what result?
B. Holwerda
The earnestness and comfort of our union with Christ as:
- Our chief prophet and teacher
- Our only high priest
- Our eternal king
J. Kok
The name of Christ
- This name is unique
- This name is great
- This name is wonderful
The gift of God
- Given by the Father
- Known by the light of the Spirit
- Accepted by faith
- Used to the glory of God
Reuben Bredenhof
Christ shares his holy anointing with his believers
- It is a prophetic role
- It is a priestly role
- It is a royal role
Scripture readings: Isaiah 61, 1 John 2
Christ and Christians share an extraordinary triple calling
- This calling in the past
- This calling in Christ
- This calling in the church
Scripture readings: Matthew 3:13-17, 1 Peter 2:1-12