Lord’s Day 10

G. van Popta

God governs all for the sake of his people

We see this in:

  1. The death of Ahab
  2. The cross of Christ
  3. The events of our lives

Scripture reading:  1 Kings 22:1-38

T. Van Raalte

To be God is to be almighty always; let us give thanks that we are in his care

  1. This God plans for us as our God
  2. This God provides for us as our Father
  3. This God loves us through our Saviour

Scripture reading:  1 Chronicles 16

K. Davis

God the Father Almighty controls all things for the sake of his children

  1. The Father’s comprehensive care
  2. The children’s loving response

Scripture reading:  Psalm 147

W. Bredenhof

Providence: Christian pilgrims are in good hands with God their Father

We’ll consider what this means for our:

  1. Past
  2. Present
  3. Future

Scripture readings: Job 1, Romans 8:28-39 

Our Father upholds and governs all things

We’ll learn about the providential work of our Father:

  1. In the life of Joseph
  2. In the death of Christ
  3. In our daily existence

Scripture readings:  Genesis 37:12-36, Genesis 50:15-21, Acts 2:14-28

The gospel doctrine of providence

  1. What this doctrine teaches
  2. Who this doctrine is for
  3. Why God reveals this doctrine

Scripture reading: Job 1

H. Vander Kam

God My Father, Provider – My Provider

  1. His ability
  2. His manner
  3. My comfort

C. Bouwman

With infinite wisdom almighty Father upholds and governs his creation for good

  1. The wisdom of God
  2. The wisdom of God’s people

Arthur Van Delden

The God of providence unfailingly executes his master plan for our lives

God’s plan:

  1. is all-encompassing
  2. is unfailingly executed
  3. always works for our good

C. Stam

The gospel of the hand of God

  1. Everything in God’s hand
  2. Everything from God’s hand
  3. Everyone take God’s hand

B. Holwerda

Providence is the mercy of the Lord

  1. In misery
  2. In redemption
  3. In gratitude

Providence in the kingdom of God

  1. The support for the kingdom of God
  2. The reign in the kingdom of God
  3. The perfection of the kingdom of God

K. Dijk

The Lord is King (Psalm 93)

  1. The Lord is King
  2. The Lord is King

Reuben Bredenhof

We gladly confess the providence of the Triune God

He is:

  1. Conforming everything to the will of the Father
  2. Putting everything under the Son
  3. Marking every believer with the Spirit

Scripture reading: Ephesians 1