G. van Popta
God governs all for the sake of his people
We see this in:
- The death of Ahab
- The cross of Christ
- The events of our lives
Scripture reading: 1 Kings 22:1-38
T. Van Raalte
To be God is to be almighty always; let us give thanks that we are in his care
- This God plans for us as our God
- This God provides for us as our Father
- This God loves us through our Saviour
Scripture reading: 1 Chronicles 16
K. Davis
God the Father Almighty controls all things for the sake of his children
- The Father’s comprehensive care
- The children’s loving response
Scripture reading: Psalm 147
W. Bredenhof
Providence: Christian pilgrims are in good hands with God their Father
We’ll consider what this means for our:
- Past
- Present
- Future
Scripture readings: Job 1, Romans 8:28-39
Our Father upholds and governs all things
We’ll learn about the providential work of our Father:
- In the life of Joseph
- In the death of Christ
- In our daily existence
Scripture readings: Genesis 37:12-36, Genesis 50:15-21, Acts 2:14-28
The gospel doctrine of providence
- What this doctrine teaches
- Who this doctrine is for
- Why God reveals this doctrine
Scripture reading: Job 1
H. Vander Kam
God My Father, Provider – My Provider
- His ability
- His manner
- My comfort
C. Bouwman
With infinite wisdom almighty Father upholds and governs his creation for good
- The wisdom of God
- The wisdom of God’s people
Arthur Van Delden
The God of providence unfailingly executes his master plan for our lives
God’s plan:
- is all-encompassing
- is unfailingly executed
- always works for our good
C. Stam
The gospel of the hand of God
- Everything in God’s hand
- Everything from God’s hand
- Everyone take God’s hand
B. Holwerda
Providence is the mercy of the Lord
- In misery
- In redemption
- In gratitude
Providence in the kingdom of God
- The support for the kingdom of God
- The reign in the kingdom of God
- The perfection of the kingdom of God
K. Dijk
The Lord is King (Psalm 93)
- The Lord is King
- The Lord is King
Reuben Bredenhof
We gladly confess the providence of the Triune God
He is:
- Conforming everything to the will of the Father
- Putting everything under the Son
- Marking every believer with the Spirit
Scripture reading: Ephesians 1