I Recommend
This past week, I shared the following links on social media and I think they’re worth sharing here too:
Does Your Church Value Seniors?
It’s easy for churches to leave the elderly behind. But what does the Bible say?
Six Reasons Reformed Christians Should Embrace Six-Day Creation
Thomas Purifoy Jr.: “…it is my strongest conviction as a Reformed Christian that 6-day creation is the only longterm viable option for Reformed theology. As D. Martin Lloyd-Jones said, “I have no gospel unless Genesis is history.””
It Is Not What It Appears To Be
How do you make sense of 40-50 year old guys committing adultery when they’re professing Christians? Or even pastors?
What’s Really in a Church Name?
Chris Gordon: “It has become rather en vogue in our time for churches to change their name from what once identified their denominational affiliation to that which has a more generic and independent church feel. We’ve moved from First Presbyterian Church to names like the Rock, the Movement, Energy Church, Fusion Church, etc. Changing a name is no little matter for a church.”
All “scientific” arguments for deep time begs the question!
Dr. Jason Lisle explains what is the scientific way to refute a competing view of history. We do it performing an internal critique. For example we can, for the sake of argument, show how the secular assumptions of naturalism and uniformitarianism would lead to logical inconsistencies.