This past week, I shared the following links on social media and I think they’re worth sharing here too:

Federal Vision: What is It?

The faculty of Mid-America Reformed Seminary do a regular podcast and in this edition they tackle a controversy that has some miles on it by now: Federal Vision. If you’d like to get a better handle on the issues at stake, this is a good introduction. Some other resources on Federal Vision:

Joint Federal Vision Statement — from the horse’s mouth, signed by men such as Doug Wilson and Peter Leithart.

For Those Just Tuning In: What Is The Federal Vision? — Scott Clark’s summary of FV and its problems from a confessionally Reformed perspective.

Federal Vision: A Canadian Reformed Pastor’s Perspective — a booklet addressing the claim that FV has a legit Canadian Reformed/Liberated pedigree.


Deep Time – the god of our Age

Deep time is simply the notion of billions of years. It’s foundational to Darwinian macro-evolution. You can’t have Darwinism without deep time. Jason Lisle explains how this concept is fundamentally religious.


Online Skeptics have a serious copy-and-paste problem

Atheist trolls seem to love the Skeptic Annotated Bible — perhaps a little too much. The thing that always gets me is: do the trolls really think I’ve never heard their objection before and do they really think we don’t have an answer for that?


This is a really great explanation of the greatest news the world has ever heard. Why not share it on social media?