Canadian Reformed Synod 2010 (2)

The first updates are coming out of Burlington — they’re posted at the website. A couple of newsworthy items:
The Synod approved the appointment of Dr. Jason Van Vliet as our new dogmatics professor. No surprise there. Every one knew that was coming. The other seminary appointment was supposed to be under wraps, but many people suspected that Dr. John Smith would be the man. Sure enough. He will be replacing Dr. Cornelis Van Dam, who is retiring from the Old Testament department. Dr. Smith was a couple of years ahead of me while I was in seminary.
Tonight there will be a plenary session beginning at 7:00. Several fraternal delegates are scheduled to speak. The most interesting speech is bound to be that of the United Reformed delegate.
It was very interesting, and lively! He started out comparing the mountains of BC with the smoke stacks of Steeltown…and pointed out that this country in it’s diversity reflects our two federations in their diversities. He urged the CanRC to patience and tenacity.