Three Must-See Films
In the last while, I’ve watched three incredible films. These films have two things in common: they have great production qualities and they present solid biblical truth. All three would be ideal for church leadership retreats, Bible or catechism classes, or maybe just getting together with some Christian friends on a Friday evening.
This 2017 film by Les Lanphere documents the rise of the Young, Restless, Reformed phenomenon. But it’s not just historical — it goes beyond to the biblical roots of Reformed theology. It’s a solid overview of some key aspects of Reformed teaching. You can find it on Vimeo.
This one is also by Les Lanphere. Released last year (2019), it’s about Reformed worship. It beautifully explains how Reformed worship is determined by adherence to Sola Scriptura. One of the things I really like about it is the emphasis on how Reformed worship is trans-cultural. It’s available here on Vimeo.
Have you ever heard of the Prosperity Gospel? Would you recognize it if someone was preaching it? This is one of the most pernicious false teachings of our day — a deadly, gospel-perverting error. This 2018 film exposes it, refutes it, and presents the biblical, God-glorifying gospel instead. It’s a long film (over 2 hours), but well-worth the time. I couldn’t stop watching. Available on Vimeo here. There’s also a free one hour version available here at YouTube.