A few interesting items from around the blogosphere:
Tim Keller from Redeemer PCA in New York City has written some helpful books. For instance, I really appreciated Prodigal God. Unfortunately, Keller does hold some erroneous views. For one thing, he seems to either hold to or at least be open to theistic evolution. There’s a helpful response to him on this over here. Keller is also less than consistently Reformed in his apologetical methodology. His The Reason for God is very popular, but needs to be read with discernment. OPC pastor Brett McNeill wrote a helpful review some time ago for New Horizons. TRG is not a book that I would recommend if you’re trying to understand how to go about apologetics in a biblically faithful manner.
There’s a new festschrift just out for Dr. Bob Godfrey of Westminster Seminary California, Always Reformed. I had the privilege of reading a pre-publication copy this past summer. I can tell you that it’s worthwhile. I especially enjoyed Hart’s essay on Machen’s “warrior children,” Muller’s essay on seventeenth-century language about God, and Venema’s essay on the (brief) history of the United Reformed Churches. You can order a copy here.
I recently uploaded my review of James K. A. Smith’s Desiring the Kingdom. You can find it over to the right under “Articles” or follow this link to get it direct.
There’s a helpful post here by Dr. John Byl on Science, Neutrality and the Antithesis. He’s responding to Reformed Academic contributor Dr. Jitse Vandermeer’s critique of Dr. Cornelis Van Dam.