Synopsis of Polanus’ Syntagma (9)

13 January 2010 by Wes Bredenhof

We’re continuing here with Book V and the doctrine of creation:


The internal principles of natural visible bodies are either of their establishment or of their change.

The principles of establishment are two:  material and formal.

The principle of change is privation.

The properties of natural bodies are:  space and time, limits and motion.

The elements are four-fold:  fire, air, water, earth.

The work of the second day is expansion, distinguishing the greater waters from the lesser waters.

The works of the the third day are:  separating the lesser waters from the earth, and the creation of plants of all types.

The works of the fourth day are:  the stars or luminaries.

The luminaries of heaven are first either the major ones or the minor ones.

The major luminaries are the sun and the moon.

Then the [minor] luminaries of heaven are either planets or stars.

The works of the fifth day are swimming and flying animals.

The swimming animals are first the fish and then the zoophytes.

The flying animals are first the birds and then the winged insects.

The works of the sixth day are the terrestrial animals and man.

The terrestrial animals are the cattle, reptiles and wild beasts.

Human beings are to be considered with regards to:  name, efficient cause, material, form, purpose, the things added, and so on.

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