Lord’s Day 8 Themes Added
Over in the resource library, I have my collection of various themes and divisions for sermons based on the Heidleberg Catechism. I just added Lord’s Day 8. One of the most interesting ones is from Prof. B. Holwerda (from De dingen die ons van God geschonken zijn):
The triune God, witness of Jesus Christ
- The persons in heaven who give that witness: Father, Son, and Spirit; and these three are one.
- The facts on earth through which that witness is given: Spirit, water, and blood; and these three agree as one.
- The end of history for which that witness is given: God, church, and world; and these three come to agree as one.
I find this interesting because one of the readings includes the so-called Johannine comma (1 John 5:7-8) and Holwerda obviously works with it in the sermon. It appears that Holwerda believed these words to be canonical.