GKV & Homosexuality: More Reason for Concern and a Warning
On the Ref-net (a Reformed e-mail discussion group), someone posted a link to an item on the official website of the Gereformeerde Kerken (Vrijgemaakt) — GKV. The GKV are sister churches of the CanRC and are also in ecumenical relations with the URCNA and RCUS. This news item speaks about an organization called ContrariO which is attempting to create more tolerance and understanding for gays and lesbians by addressing students in Reformed high schools in the Netherlands. Among other things, we’re told that “ContrariO does not speak out about whether or not one should enter into or have homosexual relationships. ContrariO finds this open to multiple Biblical interpretations and a deeply personal private choice.” (my translation). Again: note that this item is on the official website of the GKV and therefore approved by the federation. ContrariO is a “Reformed club for gays and lesbians.” You can find more information (translated via Google) here. Part of their aim is to provide a “gay-friendly” environment in Christian schools and promote the visibility of the gay Christian in society and in Christian circles.
Over at Reformed Academic, the GKV are held up as an example of the more tolerant direction that the Canadian Reformed Churches should be moving in with regards to our understanding of biblical authority. Do not be deceived: this is the inevitable fruit of the hermeneutical drift taking place in the Netherlands among our sister churches.
There are different ways of dealing with questions and exploration, and even doctrinal heterodoxy. These are highlighted in this article about J.I.Packer and his continued membership in the Church of England.
Packer seems pretty convinced that there’s only one way to deal with the legitimacy of homosexual relationships. See his videos discussing why St. John’s Shaughnessy had to leave the Anglican Church of Canada:
Yes, but my understanding is that that is because of Michael Ingham’s influence on the New West diocese, and that they couldn’t remain as a faithful church and be in the diocese. He is still a member of worldwide Anglicanism, whatever that is.
[…] that leads brings me to the next point of concern. A while back, I posted an item regarding the organization ContrariO and it’s relationship to the GKV. This is an […]