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Wow, the last three days have been a whirlwind. We just concluded our first annual Grace and Truth Conference here in Launceston. If you’d like to watch the videos, you can find them all here at the G & T YouTube channel. Meanwhile, planning is already underway for the 2024 conference.
Here are the links I’ve shared over the past week on social media:
This is a topic that’s been mentioned before, but we have to keep coming back to it. It’s so vitally important for a pastor to get the best training he can in the original languages.
Feeling Lonely – Even at Church?
This looks like a helpful book!
Is the Voice Australia’s Brexit?
I appreciate this long and balanced look at the Voice referendum. David Robertson approaches it with Brexit and Scottish independence in the rearview mirror. I voted “No” in an advanced poll this past week. Why? Because we’re talking about a permanent change to the constitution. There’s no do-over if they get it wrong. Based on the scant level of detail officially given, the most reasonable thing is to vote No and see if they can come up with something better (with much more detail) next time. That and the fact that this proposed body places indigenous Australians in a category of permanent disadvantage, as if the “gap” will always exist (or perhaps must exist). Those are my two main reasons.
Confronting the Spiritual Abuse of a Pastor or Other Church Leader
Our elders are studying this book at the moment. At a recent meeting, it was suggested to make it required reading for our Service and Leadership Training class (which we’ll start again in February). That’s a great suggestion. While the book focusses on pastors, there’s a lot that can be applied to elders too.
Confronting Child Sexual Abuse
Fernie Cosgrove: “It all started with an innocent conversation, a few extra minutes of attention, and a childish confidence in a trustworthy adult. His constant messaging and intentionality made her feel comfortable, cared for, and special. He was a teacher, and she’d been taught to trust, listen, and obey. But something was off this time.”
When a Friend Asks Why You Go to Church
“Imagine this scenario. It’s Monday morning and you’re at work or school. An unbelieving friend comes up and asks, “How was your weekend?” You heard recently that talking about church can open a door for spiritual conversations, so you reply, “It was great. I went to church yesterday and heard a couple of good sermons.” “Church!?” your friend exclaims, “Why would you go to church?” What should you say?”