New Resource on Women in Office
When I teach the Belgic Confession to my catechism students, I now spend a lesson on the topic of women in office. I never had to do this before, but sadly, the times have changed. I’ve added the outline for my lesson on this to the resources on Yinkahdinay — you can find it under “Teaching Tools” or through this direct link. PLEASE NOTE: this is just an outline. Obviously, a lot more would be said in a catechism class than what is just on this one page. However, if anyone is studying or teaching on the issue, at least you’ll have a bare bones idea of the history, the relevant Scripture passages, where the confessions speak to this, and some of the common objections. If you want to dig even deeper, see here for a short booklet published some years ago when the Christian Reformed Church in North America was dealing with this. For an even more comprehensive treatment, see Recovering Biblical Manhood & Womanhood, ed. John Piper and Wayne Grudem.