FRCA Synod 2015 (5)
Executive of Synod Baldivis: Br D Bonker (First Clerk), Rev E Rupke (Vice Chairman), Rev S ‘t Hart (Chairman), Rev C Vermeulen (Second Clerk)
Yesterday’s Acts from Synod Baldivis have been published. The most noteworthy item is in regard to theological training. For the foreseeable future, the FRCA are going to continue supporting the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary (CRTS) in Hamilton. FRCA theological students will also continue to be directed to take up their studies here. However, there was also a decision to study the feasibility of establishing an FRCA seminary. The deputies are mandated to consider these four aspects:
- The desire of the churches for such a seminary
- The potential student numbers that would attend such a seminary
- The impact that the establishment of such a seminary would have on the student numbers and viability of CRTS in Hamilton
- The resources required for such a seminary, and the availability of such resources
As mentioned previously (in this post), the Rockingham church sent a proposal to Synod Baldivis dealing with some of these points already. However, Rockingham’s letter was declared inadmissible since it was a new proposal and also apparently arrived late at the convening church. Nevertheless, perhaps the deputies can make use of some of Rockingham’s research. But we have to conclude that if an Australian Reformed seminary is to become a reality, it seems that it’s still a few years away.