FRCA Synod 2015 (1)
The Synod of the Free Reformed Churches of Australia (FRCA) is being held presently in Baldivis, Western Australia. It opened on Monday with an evening session. The only newsworthy item during that session was the election of the moderamen. Rev. Stephen t’Hart is the chairman, the vice-chairman is Rev. E. Rupke, and the clerks are elder D. Bonker and Rev. Carl Vermeulen.
Tuesday’s sessions had a bit more of interest. There was a decision regarding Bible translations. The ESV has been judged suitable for use in the worship services. The 2011 NIV continues to be disallowed, and the 1984 NIV is to be phased out by July 2018. On another topic, there were a couple of rounds of discussion regarding the Book of Praise. This has been sent to a committee for further discussion and drafting of a recommendation.
One observation: it appears that Australian synods work a little differently than Canadian synods. At the beginning of a Canadian Reformed synod, several advisory committees are immediately appointed and the material is divided up between them. The Australians apparently only appoint advisory committees if they’re needed — that is, if it soon becomes apparent that there is no unanimity amongst the delegates on a particular matter. This means that more time is spent at the Synod meeting together as a full body.