Book Review: The Quest for Comfort

The Quest for Comfort: The Story of the Heidelberg Catechism, William Boekestein, illustrated by Evan Hughes, Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2011. Hardcover, 32 pages, $10.00.
A while back I had the privilege of reviewing a previous children’s book by this author on the life of Guido de Brès. I was impressed with Faithfulness Under Fire. It was not only accurate, but also well-written and artfully illustrated. The Quest for Comfort follows the same model and deserves the same accolades.
This is a brief account of how the Heidelberg Catechism came to be. In a simple way, Boekestein shares the stories of Caspar Olevianus, Zacharias Ursinus, and Frederick III. He tells of how their lives came to be intertwined in that German city along the Neckar River. Along the way we learn something about the character and structure of the Catechism. It was designed to be a pastoral teaching tool for the youth of the church and deliberately based on the arrangement of Romans.
I read The Quest for Comfort to our four children, a 3 year old, an 8 year old, a 11 year old and a 13 year old. They all enjoyed it and it kept their attention. Our 3 year old daughter said, “I wuv it Daddy!” I think she probably enjoyed the pictures more than anything else. But hey, the pictures are well done. There’s no doubt that Evan Hughes is a gifted illustrator.
Kudos to Reformation Heritage Books for publishing these excellent children’s books. Let’s hope they make it a trilogy with one on the Canons of Dort. Imagine that: a children’s book on the Canons of Dort! Writing and publishing these sorts of books helps keep up the level confessional consciousness for generations to come. Obviously what also helps is buying these books for and reading them to our children and grandchildren – and then from there teaching them to know the Catechism itself and the biblical truths it contains.