It’s summer time and that means it’s time for a blog-cation.  Next week my consistory has graciously given me time off from most of my pastoral duties to focus on writing.  I have three projects on the go:  getting my dissertation ready for the publisher, working on my book about Fort Babine and my missionary experiences there, and a critical translation of a debate between Guido de Bres and Francois Richardot for a theological journal.  My vacation officially starts on July 12 and I’ll be enjoying some time off with my family.  I’ll also be heading to Edmonton at the end of the month for my twenty year class reunion — I’m looking forward to that!  I can hardly believe it’s been twenty years.

So, I’m taking a break from blogging for a few weeks.  I hope to resume when I get back from my vacation in August.  Hope you all have a good summer!

5 responses to “Time for a Break”

  1. Gil Garcia says:

    Have a wonderful vacation! Can’t wait to read your books.

  2. Tom Skerritt says:


  3. Thea says:

    Have a well deserved and enjoyable break, Pastor. I will miss reading your insightful and interesting blog.

  4. Glem Melo says:

    Enjoy your vacation! 🙂

  5. Brad says:

    Please come back soon… =)

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