Teachers Needed in Suriname

One of the hats I wear is that of a Canadian board member for Reformation Christian Ministries. I’ve served on the board since 1997. I first came into contact with RCM back in 1992 when I took part in a short-term mission trip to the South American country of Suriname. RCM oversees the operation of a Reformed Christian school in Paramaribo, Christian Liberty Academy. CLA has been in operation for 32 years and currently has some 330 students in K to 12. The school is English-speaking and self-supporting with an excellent reputation in the community. The majority of students are not Christians, but rather Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, atheist, or nominally Christian. CLA is looking for teachers for the coming school year. The most urgent need is in the high school grades. A stipend is provided that will cover living expenses, but travel to and from Suriname is at the individual’s expense. Additional information can be found here. If this opportunity interests you, please drop me a note: wbredenhof at bell dot net.