Dignity and Physician Assisted Suicide

18 November 2009 by Wes Bredenhof

I soon hope to post my review of Mark Penninga’s Building on Sand: Human Dignity in Canadian Law & Society.  Let me just say for now that it’s a worthwhile read.  Towards the end of the book, Penninga discusses dignity and assisted suicide.  He writes:

In reality, there is little dignity evident in physician assisted suicide.  There is no courage to brave the difficult life, no support from loved ones to be by their side through thick and thin, and no hope for a better future.  ‘Death with dignity’ is a politically-correct way of giving up on life and taking away the responsibility of others to care for those who are suffering.  (88)

2 responses to “Dignity and Physician Assisted Suicide”

  1. blenzner says:

    Penninga’s bold words are refreshing. Thanks for posting this brief quote.

  2. FYI…might be interested in the radio show I did recently re: Dr.-Assisted Self-Murder in Montana;comments welcome.


    John Lofton, Editor, TheAmericanView.com

    Communications Director, Institute on the Constitution

    Host, “TheAmericanView” radio show

    Recovering Republican


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