Grace and Truth Conference Days 2 and 3

The conference is now over and, with thanks to God, I think it’s fair to call it a success. We had some fascinating talks, engaging conversations, and beautiful singing led by our incredible music team. Now the planning begins for G & T 25. Tim Challies has already been secured as one of our speakers. He was supposed to be at G & T 23, but fell ill and had to bow out. But we look forward to seeing him next year.
Here’s the video from Friday (Day 2). Dr. Dorinda ‘t Hart spoke on “What is Truth?” and I spoke on “Search Your Feelings, You Know It to be True?”
And here’s the video from Saturday (Day 3). In the morning, Dr. Dorinda ‘t Hart spoke on “Christian Discernment in Truth-Telling” and I spoke on “Loving the Truth.” In the afternoon, Pastor Bill Boekestein spoke on “Practicing Truth in Your Vocation” and then we had a Roundtable Q & A moderated by Pastor Anson van Delden.