I Recommend
This past week, I shared the following links on social media and I think they’re worth sharing here too:
Families Pushed Toward Abortion
It’s a myth that every abortion is freely chosen by the woman. Many women are pressured into having abortions, including by doctors. My wife experienced this with our youngest, and many others have too. They make it sound like it’s your duty to have an abortion if there’s the slightest indication of an abnormality.
God Loves LGBTQ People More Than We Do
Samuel Sey: “God isn’t ashamed of the gospel. He isn’t embarrassed by his word. He isn’t anxious about telling people good things that might offend them. God isn’t afraid to tell the truth about sexual sin. God isn’t tempted to lie about pornography, fornication, adultery—and especially, homosexuality and transgenderism.”
My Life as a Christian Under a Communist Regime
This is really insightful, especially this: “It may surprise you, but from my perspective the main suffering for Chinese Christians is not physical persecution or lack of religious liberty but bad theology, though the reason behind bad theology is the lack of freedom.”
Washington Post column: Kids should watch portrayal of sex acts at ‘pride’ parades
Jonathon Van Maren: “In short, we’ve gone from: How dare you accuse us of wanting to influence kids? to Of course kids should see sex acts at Pride Parades!”
From Devastation to Deliverance
“Once constantly drunk and suicidal, William shares the story of how his sister, Danica, was influential in his coming to Christ. Despite a heart-breaking loss in their family, William and Danica share about the joys of being children of the only true God and testify to the importance of the local church in this evangelism story.”