I Recommend
I don’t often share links in this space, but I’ve got three that I shared on social media today that are definitely worth passing on here too:
January/February 2020 Reformed Perspective
If you’re not familiar with it, this is a great Reformed magazine and it’s available as a free download.
Church Should Be Your Excuse for Missing Everything Else
Regular habitual church attendance is essential for spiritual health. As the author says:
…the reality is that I have never known a casual attendee to thrive in any meaningful capacity. I have yet to meet another pastor/elder that can testify to the exemplary faith of the professing Christian who abdicates regular church attendance. I have witnessed seasons of growth from them, yet I have simultaneously witnessed a stunted growth because invariably, they are sporadically absent from the ordinary means God has given them for their maturity, encouragement, and perseverance in the Christian faith. More often than this stunted growth though is no growth at all, or worse, a “back-sliding” of sorts.
When it comes to the age of the earth and similar issues, why don’t we just listen to our Lord Jesus? After all, he was there “at the beginning.” He knows what he’s talking about.