More Blogs I Read Regularly (and Why)
Just over five years ago, I posted something about the blogs I regularly read. It’s about time to do an update on that. People change and blogs change. For example, last time around I recommended Jeremy DeHaan’s Sixteen Seasons. Sadly, since then he’s become a Roman Catholic and I can no longer recommend his writing. Other blogs have more or less gone dormant.
Some things remain the same. Last time around, I recommended Feedly as a great resource to manage the reading of blogs. I still use Feedly and still recommend it. It’s the best way to curate the sometimes overwhelming content that’s out there in the “blogosphere.”
Here are some of the blogs I’m reading these days and can recommend for various reasons:
Challies Dot Com — Talk about staying power! Tim Challies has been blogging for years and his stuff is still worth recommending. I especially appreciate his daily “a la carte” features — it puts you on to other valuable content every day.
The Bridgehead — This is the website and blog of Christian social commentator Jonathan Van Maren. This is a must-read if you want to keep up with rapidly changing cultural developments.
The Wee Flea — David Robertson is currently a Reformed pastor in Scotland — he’s moving down here to Australia in the near future. He also engages a lot of social issues with penetrating commentary.
The Aquila Report — This is not really a blog, but an aggregator. They collect stories (including blog posts) from around the Reformed/Presbyterian world. If you want to know what’s going on in the Reformed/Presbyterian world, you have to read The Aquila Report.
The Reformed Reader — This blog is co-written by Andrew Compton and Shane Lems. It sometimes features book reviews, but more often interesting quotes or excerpts. Some of them can be useful for sermon illustrations. Here’s a good example.
Outward OPC — “Outward OPC is a work of the OPC Committee on Home Missions and Church Extension. This new website exists to encourage zeal for reaching the lost and to be a tool for the OPC and other reformed churches to be more effective in reaching people outside the church.” Enough said.