Book Review: Little-known Little Gems
Little-known Little Gems: The Message of the Minor Prophets, John Goris. Porirua NZ: Matrix Typography, 2018. Softcover, 55 pages, $20.00.
Though it makes up about two-thirds of the Bible, the Old Testament is often unfamiliar territory to many Christians. And the twelve books that make up the minor prophets are likely even more unfamiliar. When was the last time you heard a sermon or series of sermons on, say, Obadiah? Jonah is perhaps the exception, but most of the minor prophets are strangers to many Christians. John Goris seeks to rectify this with this little survey.
The author is a retired pastor residing in New Zealand. He has served Reformed churches in both Australia and “the land of the long white cloud” (NZ). Rev. Goris has long had an interest in the minor prophets and this book is the fruit of his many years of study and preaching.
Little-known Little Gems introduces us to each of the twelve books in turn. Goris summarizes the historical context, the contents, and the main message of each book. Most importantly of all, the author connects the main message of each book to the New Testament and its revelation of Jesus Christ. Written clearly and simply, it could aptly be used as a textbook for a high school Bible class exploring these books.
I’m thankful for books, like this one, which take the Scriptures seriously as inspired and inerrant revelation from God. The author has full confidence in the authority of the Bible as timeless truth. Moreover, he has an excellent understanding not only of the diversity amongst these twelve books, but also their fundamental unity as divine Scripture. I recommend Little-known Little Gems to anyone looking to fortify their grasp on this part of God’s Word.
Little-known Little Gems is available in print and electronic formats. Contact the publisher to order: