Reflecting On and Improving Classroom Devotions
Last week I was invited to lead a workshop at the 2014 Canadian Reformed Teachers Association convention here in Hamilton. The topic of my workshop was classroom devotions. As I was preparing for it, I looked around for what others have written in terms of reflection on it. There are lots of “classroom devotions” and such materials, but I could find very little on the principles and purpose, etc. There is a chapter in John Van Dyk’s book Letters to Lisa: Conversations with a Christian Teacher. There’s also an article in the Spring/Summer 2009 issue of the CRTA magazine Compass. Aside from that, I didn’t find anything else and that was with the help of some of the faculty at the Covenant Canadian Reformed Teachers College. By sharing my notes from last week’s workshop, I hope to offer a small contribution to help address this gap in the literature. You can find it here.