The Need for Clarity in Preaching

The following quote comes from David Helm’s helpful little book, Expositional Preaching: How We Speak God’s Word Today:
A couple of years ago, I sat with Dick Lucas in his living room in London, England. Our conversation turned naturally to what God was doing in the church. Both of us were hopeful and excited about the promise we saw in the coming generation of preachers. In the middle of this upbeat exchange, he interjected, “Yes, but we must remind them that our preaching can never be too simple.” After preaching for nearly fifty years to business people who work in London’s financial district, Lucas had learned something really important: the great ones are the clear ones. Preachers cannot be too simple. We need clarity. (page 98)
This is true. A great sermon is not one that you couldn’t understand for all the great eloquence of the preacher.